Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 14- January 18, 2008

This week has really been made out bad. A snow day (They shut the school down for two inches of snow -_-), a normal day, another normal day, then there is ice skating and a ski trip, and after that is a half day of school. I'm not complianing about the shorter days, but i would like more time to work on my plays for Mr. Foote and Ms. Abramov. Thats the only complaint I have. I liked the snow day the best because i got to level my Blood Elf Priest, on Sargeras, to level twenty. That and the next day I got up to episode twenty on Trigun. Well thats it. I hope they have more of these days off and half days because the seniors could really use a break from all of this work. ^^

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