Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jib Jab is a pretty fun site. They have premade vdeos that you can put your face on. Its really ufn and easy to do. Watch this one.

Don't send a lame Congrats eCard.
Try JibJab Sendables!

Monday, March 31, 2008

DDR Systems In Rhode Island

I couldn't get the Excel sheet to upload so i had to put it up this way. Hope you like it :D (Its all of the DDR Machines in Rhode Island)


DDR Game Type
City in Rhode Island
Location Name

DDR Extreme
Spring Lake Arcade

East Greenwich
Showcase Cinemas

DDR Extreme
University Of Rhode Island

DDR Max 2
Cinema World Arcade At The Lincoln Mall

DDR Max 2
Ryan Family Amusements

DDR Extreme
North Smithfield
Monkey Shack Arcade

DDR Extreme
Faunce House Game Room

DDR Extreme
Providece palce Cinema 6

DDR Extreme
Tilt At Warwick Mall

DDR Extreme
Monster Mini Golf

DDR Extreme
Atlantic Beach Park

Thursday, March 20, 2008

This is My Resume :D

I Couldn't get this to look cooler so i had to put it like this. I hope you like it :D

691 Academy Avenue Providence, Rhode Island 02908 (401)286-8277
Christian Xavier Calcano
My Goal in life is to become a great game developer and learn as much as I can about the computer sciences.
January 27, 2007- Current Date
Westin Providence
Providence, Rhode Island
Hotel Worker
§ Employee Training
§ Technical assistance
§ Heavy Lifting

November 30, 2006- August 30, 2007
Sanford, Florida
§ Heavy Lifting
§ Cashier Engineering
§ Storage

2004- Current Date
Textron Chambers of Commerce Academy
Providence, Rhode Island
§ Entertainment
§ Sustenance

November 26, 2006
Blizzard entertainment
Providence, Rhode Island
Game Player
§ Leveling
§ Farming
§ Power Leveling
Textron Chambers of Commerce Academy
Providence, Rhode Island

§ Honor Roll
My interests are computer technology, video games, culinary arts, and astronomy.

Friday, March 7, 2008

If I Was A Monkey Listening To An Ipod.....

Well we were using Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006 Editor and i was suppose to take a picture of myself and edit it to make somthing completely weird. So i came up with this idea after a while. I made an Ironman with a cat head and a dragon breathing fire on toast. I ran through alot of ideas before i came to end on this one. I like it a bunch and yeah i did end up looking like an idiot on this one, but its all okay. Go Ipod!

Friday, February 15, 2008

02/13/08 Internship

This was my first official day of my internship. It was pretty fun. I had to wait like an hour to see my director because he was in a meeting. After that I had to wait for him to get some messages on his phone. Then we finally got to work. They thaught me little bit about how to ghost a computer and then I changed names on computers. My time there was nearly up so they gave me a security card so I don't have to sign in when I get into the building. Then i left. It was fun, but I wanted to do more with computers. It is only the first day so there has to be more. I hope there will be.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Go the United States Tax services!

I finally got my taxes back ^^ I'm going to finally get my stuff ( A.K.A ninja suit + more). yeah i said ninja suit. That is going to be fun. Check it out on
I'll post some pictures that i'm going to have put in the year book when I get to taking them.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Review of the Advanced Computer Class

The mid-term for computer class was pretty fun.

The mid-term was the last four posts.

It was more interactive than the other mid-terms at school. The math one was a lot of work, but it was really easy. English was good too because it was explained really fast and I write quick( the mid-term was a written two page explanation of the plays we did in front of the school). The others weren't much different. The work took a while for this mid-term though, but it was worth it.